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Locuming Lets Me... Live!

Locuming has always been synonymous with freedom, and we can't help but get excited about the incredible opportunities it brings. From having the ability to pick your own working days to give yourself much needed time off, to choosing locations a little further afield to allow yourself to explore new places – locuming definitely has its benefits.

As the days grow longer and warmer, our minds wander to the incredible experiences locuming has allowed us to have. But we're not here to talk about ourselves — we want to hear about YOUR adventures! Do you volunteer with any charities, lending a helping hand to those in need? Or maybe you're a marathon enthusiast, conquering new distances in your spare time? Whatever it is that working as a locum enables you to do, that a regular 9-5 role might hinder, we want to know all about it!

Two adventurers ziplining in the forest

Introducing "Locuming Lets Me... Live!" — our brand-new campaign designed to celebrate the exciting lives of locums like you. We're searching for a select few individuals to share their stories with us, and as a token of our gratitude, we're offering a €200 One4All card in exchange!

If interested, please contact Hannah today at [email protected] with a brief synopsis of what it is that you do. Don't wait too long though, as we can only select a limited number of locums to participate in this exclusive opportunity!

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Thanks to Jamie Phillips for being our first participant in our campaign!

Jamie Phillips 3

Jamie recently completed a gruelling 770km in the Rás Tailteann, and awards a lot of his success to the freedom locuming gives him to pursue his cycling. You can read his full article at the button below.

Read the Full Jamie Phillips Interview

Read More of Our Interviews Below

Posted on 09 June 2023
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