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Clarity Locums Weekly News Update

Welcome to Clarity Locums' latest industry roundup, where we cover the most significant updates from the world of pharmacy and nursing. This week, we delve into key developments affecting pharmacists in Ireland and the UK, examine the challenges faced by healthcare professionals, and explore an inspiring story about locum nursing.

Pharmacy News: Ireland

Greater Responsibility for Irish Pharmacists?
According to a recent report from the Irish Medical Times, a majority of the Irish public supports granting pharmacists more authority in healthcare services. The survey showed a growing demand for pharmacists to take on expanded roles, such as managing prescriptions and offering advice on routine health checks. This shift could significantly impact the pharmacy profession, with public support for these changes potentially driving future policy decisions in Ireland.

For more information, read the full article here.

Economic Challenges for Irish Pharmacies
In business news, the Irish Examiner highlights the financial strain on pharmacies due to a drop in COVID-related revenue. Irish pharmacies are experiencing increased pressure to adapt to an evolving healthcare landscape while facing reduced income from COVID-19 services. Pharmacies must innovate and diversify their services to remain viable in a post-pandemic environment.

For more details, see the full piece here.

Pharmacy News: UK

Adderall and Health Concerns
New research has raised concerns about high doses of Adderall, commonly prescribed for ADHD. According to a recent Yahoo News report, the use of Adderall at high dosages has been linked to an increased risk of psychosis and bipolar disorder. With mental health being a growing concern in modern healthcare, this report signals a need for more cautious prescribing practices and greater awareness among healthcare providers and patients.

Learn more about the findings here.

Funding Demands for UK Pharmacies
The Independent Pharmacy Association (IPA) is advocating for increased funding for pharmacies in the UK. Following the Darzi Review, which emphasized the role of pharmacies in public healthcare, the IPA took its case directly to Downing Street. With the current financial constraints on the NHS, this plea highlights the importance of ensuring pharmacies receive adequate support to continue delivering essential services.

You can read the full report here.

Original Pack Dispensing from January 2025
In a significant development, pharmacists in the UK will soon be able to dispense NHS prescriptions in original packs, starting in January 2025. This change aims to simplify the dispensing process, reducing waste and improving efficiency. It marks a long-awaited shift towards modernizing pharmaceutical practices.

For more on this update, check out the article here.

Nursing News

The Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses
The latest phase of the UK’s COVID inquiry is now focusing on the pandemic's profound impact on nurses and the healthcare sector. This includes the mental health challenges faced by nurses and the enduring pressure on healthcare systems as they recover from the crisis. The Nursing Times has captured this pivotal moment, highlighting the need for systemic improvements to protect frontline healthcare workers in future crises.

You can access the full story here.

Locum Nursing: Flexibility and Independence
On a more positive note, Clarity Locums’ blog recently featured an inspiring story from a locum nurse who has found that locuming allows her to build her own business. The flexibility and independence provided by locum work offer nurses the opportunity to take control of their careers while still delivering high-quality care.

Read her full story on our blog here.

Other News in Healthcare

Tech Frustrations at Ireland’s National Children's Hospital
In business news from the Independent, a leading Irish tech firm has expressed frustration over ongoing delays in the construction of the National Children’s Hospital. This costly setback is creating a ripple effect, impacting both healthcare services and the businesses that are collaborating with the hospital on technological innovations.

To learn more, click here.


Posted on 18 September 2024 by Anthony O'Neill MPSI
Author Info

Anthony O'Neill MPSI

[email protected]

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